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Our Insurance and Naloxone-Evizio

We found out that our insurance, Tennesse Rural Health, does not cover Naloxone in any form. We would have had to pay out of pocket $690.99 for Evzio. Kaleo estimates the maximum co-pay is $30 for people covered by insurance..

Evzio has a Patient Assictance Program that some may qualify for, but not Anna-Claire because she has drug coverage. with her insurance. Here is the link to apply for the program:

Evzio Patient Assistance Form.PNG

After January 1st, our insurance may cover Naloxone.

Some insurance does cover Naloxone currently in Tennessee. Tri Care covers people who are on active duty or retired with medical disablities. However, many\r insurance companies will cover Naloxone under Express Scripts, a clearinghouse for prescriptions after January 1st.

Please comment about your own coverage.

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