Step 2: Check for Signs
Signs of OVERDOSE, which often results in death if not treated, include:
Extreme sleepiness inability to awaken verbally or upon sternal rub
Breathing problems can range from slow to shallow breathing in a patient that cannot be awakened
Fingernails or lips turning blue/purple
Extremely small “pinpoint” pupils
Slow heartbeat and/or low blood pressure
Signs of OVERMEDICATION, which may progress to overdose, include:
Unusual sleepiness, drowsiness, or difficulty staying awake despite loud verbal stimulus or vigorous sternal rub
Mental confusion, slurred speech, intoxicated behavior
Slow or shallow breathing
Extremely small “pinpoint” pupils; although normal size pupils do not exclude opioid overdose
Slow heartbeat, low blood pressure
Difficulty waking the person from sleep
Because opioids depress respiratory function and breathing, one telltale sign of a person in a critical medical state is the “death rattle.” If a person emits a “death rattle” — an exhaled breath with a very distinct, labored sound coming from the throat — emergency resuscitation will be necessary immediately, as it almost always is a sign that the individual is near death.