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Comment on Arianna Huffington's post on retirement

Nancy Carter Daniels I'm 64 and have never been busier. I had 3 degrees and 4 different careers before I had my daughter at 35. When she was 22, we were introduced to the Addiction & Recovery community through with her addiction to pills. After an intervention, detox and all kinds of treatment and therapy over a year and a half, she has been in long term recovery for 3 years next week. While she followed her path which included study abroad in Uganda and working with prison inmates to translate the Big Book and a Social Work degree, my path has paralleled hers. Since I had experience in mental health and computers (IBM, consulting and training with computers as desktops were introduced in the early 1980's) and then as a family member learning about substance use disorder, I developed a mobile app for families with over 7,000 links. So instead of slowing down, I've been working 10 - 15 hour days for over 2 years and leave in 2 weeks for 5 weeks as I try to promote naloxone awareness. Tennessee passed legislation without funding or a pilot program so we are hoping to educate both families and professionals and to provide training through videos and handouts on the app. There are moments that I would like to relax more and follow more of your suggestions in Thrive (it's in the app under self-care) like sleep. But working with my staff of mostly high school students and young adults (8 - 15 employees from 16 to 40) could not be more invigorating! Please post links from the conference.

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